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Myrsol Lemon After Shave 180ml

€21.95 tax incl.
Ref: MY14743
rating Read the 4 reviews |
Average rating: 7/10 | Number of reviews: 4

An ideal product to finish the shaving ritual in the best way, it helps calm skin irritation and helps said organ to recover from the passage of the blade.


Good lemon scent.

Moisturizes and tones the skin.

Helps regeneration and healing of the skin.

easy use.

Strong glass container.

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MYRSOL Massage Agualimon 180ml lotion is ideal to use on the skin after shaving and provides toning and moisturizing qualities, making the skin soft, it is very useful to calm possible irritation.

The beneficial effects of this lotion range from helping the regeneration of the epidermis layer, beautifying the skin, toning, softening, antioxidants and a good citrus lemon aroma. Besides its application is simple, you just have to apply and massage in the affected skin area.

Myrsol makes this lotion with ingredients like lemon water, essential minerals, vitamin C, etc. This product is dermatologically analyzed, guaranteeing its quality.

They are made in a specialized cosmetics laboratory for the production of shaving products.

Presentation: 180ml bottle.

Made in Spain.

Como abrir una botella de Limoncello
Que gozada al abrirla por primera vez! Me pareció despertar en Italia bajo los limonares acercando un vasito de limoncello a mi nariz.
Las mejores lociones las de Myrsol sin duda alguna, cuanto más las usas mejor tienes la piel.
pedido no recibido
To be re-tested
I have always some difficulties with the alcoholic after-shaves, because my skin is quite delicate. But with the \"Myrsol plastic shave\", the experience was really fantastic, and my skin remained elastic and velvety. I jope it was the same with this \"Agua de limon\". The scent is very good, even if a littel bit \"alcoholic\" for my tastes, but the main problem is that after having applied it my face burnt in a so intolerable way, that I had to rinse it and put another not alcoholic after shave. Pity, becasue I fear U will use this as a EdT, also if the scnet is not peristent. I will try and give another chacne in the next days as after shave, but, fnarkly speaking I have not so big expectations. Maybe it is some compnent of the product whihc is not present in the \"Plastic shave\". Let\'s try and see.
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